Thursday, December 13, 2007

Women In Media Video

Portrayals of Women in Media

Seeing the transformation of stars from a young girl to a woman puts a lot of pressure on girls to be beautiful and sexy if they want to be wanted and to make it in this world once they grow out of adolescents.

It talks about teenage girls being very vulnerable and believing what media presents them as reality. I think this also affects relationships between men and woman because I guys also are vulnerable to the false reality of woman media presents.

This video also touches on how woman are seen as objects and media promotes violence towards women. I wonder if this is why there is less respect for woman than in the past and why men feel that they can treat us as objects than as actual human beings.

This video also talks about how society puts pressure on us to juggle tasks of keeping up with household chores, family and maybe a career life (if there’s time). It asks, “when do women have time to be themselves?” It seems that media doesn’t make time for us to do so. It seems there’s only enough time to make ourselves presentable enough and to serve the men around us.

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