Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dove Onslaught

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an advertisement advertise something that was actually for the consumer. This was even beyond. Yes, I can see how in supporting/creating this advertisement it sways people’s stance with the brand to like them more because they actually support something that is good. But Dove is doing a very unique thing in which they are making a stance against one, their own branch (Axe), and two, against media.

This campaign is indeed the best yet because there is so much pressure today on woman to be a certain way; especially with media telling you what is beautiful and what is not.

Recently I have been seeing scandalous dress, like shorter skirts, being worn on younger and younger children. In discussions with my friends we are flabbergasted by it! Why is this happening and why aren’t parents stepping in?! I wonder if it is because the parents who are having these children are children themselves; as today you see more and more people having children at such a young age.

I also wonder if it is because parents have a different outlook on discipline than their parents did. In a research study I did this past year, I found that millennial parents had a much different relationship with their children than they had with their parents. They had a more open relationship, almost equal, as they were more likely to sit down with their kids and talk with them about issues whereas their parents were more authoritative with the attitude of “do this because I tell you to and don’t ask questions.”

Either way I absolutely adore this commercial and wish I would see it on the air more often as I feel parents do not realize how strong media can affect their children. The only downfall to this video is that we have to make a video like this for people to be aware…what is our world coming to?

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