Friday, September 7, 2007

News Habits

How do you get news?
My main source of news is by word of mouth. I would have to say that would account for 75% of where I get my news. The other 25% comes from quick stories from a bar TV, reading a couple passages from Quick newspaper, reading the North Texas Daily, or reading a random magazine like newsweek, ect. I even read things from my hotmail newsfeed as well.

How often?
My news source that is by word of mouth I get daily. The rest I do not seek out often, just when I might be sitting in a doctors office or bored in class or waiting for class to start.

What do you read and view both online and offline?
The articles I read online come from the hotmail newsfeed. I read any article that catches my eye, for example, health news, celeberity news, stock and investments or any other articles that relate to information that interests me.

For news offline, I read the articles pertaining to what interests me. The North Texas Daily, for example, keeps me informed on news going on within campus. Quick newspaper allows me to keep up with world events and even celeberty news, and newsweek or magazines like Forbes allow me to keep up with life news, such as investments and business news.

About how many hours a day or a week do you intentionally seek out news coverage?
I don't seek out news daily; however, I would have to say 3 hours in a week would be a good estimate of how much time I intentionally seek out news coverage.

And one last question: when you think about news media and their coverage of race or gender or sexualities or disabilities, what are your own assumptions?
I think news media and their coverage is as false as Paris Hiltons revelation while in jail. News media runs on the whim of someones mouth; for example, say a "very important person" wants something to be covered that sways a vote in one direction more than another. Well there you go, you have CNN and its opposing rival Fox. Another example? How about when a uproar amongst a certain ethnicity breaks out? Say, African Americans are making a scene that they are not being equally represented in the media. Well the next month and there after you see a multitude of coverage for African Americans because of the uproar and possibly threat of lawsuits. But what about the other races, do they have to make an uproar just to be represented equally as well?

Point being, is that news media only shows whatever the "boss man" wants you to see and believe or, depending on what stance you take, feeds you whatever you want to hear (as compared to an opposing station that shoots down all your beliefs, so of course you don't want to watch that station). Unless you are a person that does not feed off of whatever people throw you, but rather take in information from both sides, think about it, and take YOUR own perception and form YOUR own opinions about whatever topic, then news media is worthless.

News media just creates a divide amongst coverage of race or gender or sexualities or disabilities; it prolongs the ever-revolving war of negativity and takes advantage of ignorant people who cant think for themselves.

So what do I think of news media? Well all of the above and, if I haven't made my underlining point clear, that I hate it. If I ever want to be reminded that the world is going to hell in a hand-basket or if I want to be told what to think and how to act towards other people, that will be the day that my morning and nights become submerged in the lies of today's news media.

The end.